Ingredients :
Traditional Russian Salad
3 medium potatoes
4 medium carrots
8 eggs
1 pound bologna
8 small pickles
1-2 cucumbers
1 14-5 ounces can peas
1 1/2 cups mayonnaise
1 small onion
Making Traditional Russian Salad vegetables:
1. Boil the vegetables. Take your carrot, potato, peas, and french beans and place them in a medium pot. Fill the pot with water. Place it on high heat and bring to a boil. Let them boil for as long as it takes for each of the ingredients to become cooked and tender, about 20-30 minutes. Set them aside to cool.
You can also cook them in the microwave in a microwave safe bowl.
2. Chop the ingredients. Once the vegetables have cooled, chop them into small pieces. Also, take the celery and chop it into small slices as well. Add them to a medium sized bowl.
3. Add the mayonnaise. Once the vegetables are chopped, mix them together in the bowl. Add the mayonnaise and mix again, coating each of the ingredients evenly. Garnish the salad with slices of cucumber, tomato, or lettuce leaves.
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