In terms of science?
1. Avatar - Is Unobtanium an element or a compound? If it’s an element, why isn’t more widely dispersed around Pandora? If it’s a compound, why can’t it be synthesized? For that matter, how could it be found and it properties explored and exploited if a logistics cycle consists of a minimum of four 6 year trips from Pandora back to Earth?
2. Stargate - When the probe is sent through the Stargate for the first time, a plotter is shown tracking its progress to another galaxy. How is this even possible, especially if it wasn’t traveling to a neighboring galaxy? Fortunately, the television series completely removed this and returned the series to a measure of “normalcy.”
3. 2012 - Let’s see A) Waves overtop the Himalaya Mountains, the tallest on Earth. B) A man carrying a portable radio is able to generate a signal which is picked up on a car radio more than 1,500 miles away. C) The entire continent of Africa rises 750 feet and that doesn’t result in the deaths of hundreds of millions of its inhabitants.
4. Capricorn 1 - Only one person in the entire world notices that the astronauts who are supposed to be on their way to Mars are communicating in real-time with Earth? No radio astronomers? Or the Soviets who would be paying particularly close attention to this mission?
5. The Day After Tomorrow - A) Within 72 hours the Gulf Stream, one of the world’s most powerful warm currents rapidly cool down enough to freeze the northern hemisphere. Ummm..huh? B) A fire, fueled by wood and paper, staves off cold temperatures approaching that of space. C) In less than 24 hours, enough snow falls to cover an entire shopping mall that appears to be roughly 75 feet in height.
6. Captain America: The First Avenger - A) Scientist creates super soldier steroid program, but then apparently doesn’t take notes or have any work that can be followed by other scientists. B) A 100 lb man puts on at least 160 lbs of mass (mostly muscle) in the space of a few minutes. C) A human being can be placed in suspended animation after being frozen for almost 70 years and revived. Intact? With no apparent damage.
7. Iron Man (the entire franchise) - A) Iron Man armor makes Tony Stark invulnerable to kinetic impact. Not the armor; the man inside of it. B) Iron Man armor makes Tony Stark immune to G-forces C) Repulsor rays have apparently no recoil when fired. D) A revolutionary power source exists that can generate a great deal of energy, but apparently no radiation or heat as it can be installed in a human being’s chest.
8. The Avengers - A) Portal to another part of space opens over NYC and it doesn’t result in a massive weather changes due to the temperature fluctuations. B) Interdimensional energy source can be handled by bare hands. C) Helicarrier…need I say more? D) Iron Man falling towards from a space portal where there should be no gravity.
9. Gravity (numerous) - A) Needless sacrifice by protagonist when a simple tug would have pulled him to the other protagonist. B) Debris traveling at tens of thousands of miles per hour can be seen miles away C) Debris strikes an object, travels past it and is in no manner slowed by the impact.
10. Armageddon - An asteroid the size of Texas is exploded and doesn’t shower the earth with tens of thousands of tinier asteroids, any one of which could end life on Earth (A bullet is turned into birdshot)
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